电池组外壳作为电池模块的载体,主要起到承载电池模块、电气模块、冷却模块等动力电池系统部件的作用,同时保护电池和电气系统免受外部碰撞和压缩的损坏。对电池模块的稳定运行和安全保护起着重要作用。电池组外壳的几个要求:(1) The molding process of the power battery casing is complex, the mold design is precise, and all performance must be stable within strict limits.
(2) In order to effectively protect the internal battery structure, while ensuring necessary plasticity, the power battery case must also have sufficient strength and hardness.
(3) In order to adapt to different usage environments and ensure the service life of the battery, the material of the power battery casing must have good corrosion resistance and chemical stability.
A battery rack is a frame made of metal such as iron or aluminum with standardized models according to the size of the battery. Widely used in industry, it also plays an important role in telecommunications rooms and medical equipment. Battery racks are mainly divided into: 2V series battery racks, 12V battery series battery racks, and FT series battery racks. This type of battery holder is the most commonly used and widely used application.